No borders orchestra
No borders orchestra

Овај пројекат, чије име сугерише нове почетке, обједињује савремену класичну музику и клупску културу. На програму су поруџбине NBO, нова дела пет најузбудљивијих младих композитора из нашег региона: Дарије Андовске из Скопља, Дринора Зимберија из Приштине, Давора Бранимира Винцеа из Загреба, Данијела Жонтара из Сарајева и Драшка Аџића из Београда.

This project, whose name suggests new beginnings, combines contemporary classical music and clubbing culture. It features cutting-edge new compositions commissioned by the NBO, new works by five of today’s most exciting young composers in our region: Darija Andovska from Skopje, Drinor Zymberi from Pristina, Davor Branimir Vincze from Zagreb, Danijel Zontar from Sarajevo, and Draško Adžić from Belgrade.

These new contemporary experimental compositions are inspired by Berghain, the famous Berlin club, its transgressive techno sound and the freedom it stands for.

The 2019 B Matinée tour also commemorates the thirtieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and celebrates the tearing down of walls between classical and clubbing music.

By communicating with contemporary techno sound, our composers combine genres, overcoming the boundaries between different music styles. The result is a new and fresh sound that has no confines, celebrating new paths and possibilities.

No Borders Orchestra is made up of the best professional musicians from across the Western Balkans. Its mission rests on the twin pillars: creating excellent music and a comprehensive awareness of society. As confirmation of its artistic excellence, NBO has become the only band in the region that has an exclusive recording agreement with Universal Music. The first album “The Opening” was released in 2015 on Deutsche Grammophon, the most prestigious classical music label in the world.


Support: German Federal Foreign Office, Regional Youth Cooperation Office, Open Society Foundations, U.S. Embassy in Serbia, Embassy of Switzerland in Serbia.