The right to a voice – The applied and the additional

Introduction: Marina Mađarev, University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts, and Vladimir Krušić, Croatian Centre for Drama Education HCDO, Zagreb.

Participants: Theoreticians and practitioners in the area of applied theatre, and theatre workers and the organizers of festivals and expert gatherings in the area of theatre for young people (for festivals and gatherings FIST, FASS and BAZAART; for festival cities Šabac, Niš, Kotor...).


Promotion of two books at Bitef Polyphony opens the space for dialogue about the phenomena and forms of applied theatre in our surroundings, as well as the necessity for the wider community to participate in the creation of cultural values, but also about the issue of conceptual understanding of drama pedagogy, its history and its various possibilities of developments and theoretical base, as a stimulation for deep consideration of the present moment and for the planning of the future. Marina Mađarev, Milan Mađarev, and Ivan Pravdić, with the book Applied Theatre in Vojvodina from 2000 until Today, have raised an important issue of mapping this area of theatre activity in our surroundings. In the book Theatre and Pedagogy, Vladimir Krušić writes, for the first time, the history of modern drama pedagogy in Croatia as a unique area of cultural and pedagogical practice.

Publishers: University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts; Disput, Zagreb, and Croatian Centre for Drama Education, Zagreb.

Supported by: The Provincial Secretariat for higher education and scientific research, Novi Sad; The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, and The Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Photography: Lidija Antonović, and the authors’ archives