
Masks is a programme of theatre in education, created in 1999, with an aim to confront young people with various forms of violence and teach them how to resist, but also how to act in order to prevent it altogether. In the past twenty years, the performance Masks has been played and the participants taken through the process 526 times, all over Bosnia and Hercegovina, but also in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Great Britain, the United States… When asked how they managed to perform it so many times, Sead Đulić, drama pedagogue, director and the artistic director of the theatre says: “Simply. We played the first one and then just went on. It’s an interactive performance, it doesn’t happen without the audience. Every audience always tries to solve its own problems and it always leads to a catharsis”. Since mid-70ies, Sead Đulić and Mostar Youth Theatre, as a regional meeting point of the ones involved in drama and theatre in education, have participated in the project “Art for Social Changes - Playing against Violence”, and frequent Bitef participants in all these years.


Supported by: Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Mostar